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  • Allesandre Glover

Ear Infections

Ear infections are the most common diagnosis by pediatricians. Most of these infections, roughly 80% of them, will recover on their own. Doctors are supposed to utilize watchful waiting to see if the infection goes away or if antibiotics are needed. However, antibiotics are usually prescribed to begin with so there has been a rise in antibiotic-resistant pediatric infections. Antibiotics are also not helpful in preventing the fluid buildup that causes ear infections so children are likely to continue to experience ear infections. It is best to prevent ear infections by breastfeeding for 6+ months, discontinuing use of a pacifier after 10 months of age, eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, getting proper rest, reducing stress, avoiding smoking around child, and through optimal nerve function. Chiropractic can also be an alternative to antibiotics and surgeries. The nerves in the neck are responsible for communicating with the ears.

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